Monday, March 26, 2012

Beauty Talks with Luis Padilla, Mister Bayamón Teenager 2012 (EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW)!

Beauty Talks with Luis Padilla, Mister Bayamón Teenager 2012!

The Boy Next Door. That describes Luis Padilla. Our readers and staff of Beauty Mania all agreed that Luis has the best face and the best smile in the competition. Dubbed as Latino version of Zac Efron by our readers (because he has the face resemblance to the High school Musical star), Beauty Mania believes that Luis will have a future in show business. He's perfect as leading man in any movies or telenovelas. In other shots, on the other hand, we noticed that Luis has a resemblance to popular Puerto Rican pop star Luis Fonsi (named World's Handsomest Man Alive in 2002).

BM: For the benefit of our international readers who may not be familiar with you, give us your story from before the Misters of Puerto Rico competition to where you are today.

LUIS: Before I became a candidate of Misters of Puerto Rico, I was just a High School student with educational goals and a passion for dancing, acting and modeling.

BM: What prompted you to join Misters of Puerto Rico 2012 pageant? What makes you a stand out in this competition?

LUIS: My major motivation was to set a new goal in life and the fight to accomplish a dream. My English teacher inspired me when she told me I had all it takes to be a Mister’s winner. She believes in me. What makes me different from the other competitors is my will to grow like a human being, my charisma, my humbleness, sincerity and of course my great smile.

BM: Since Beauty Mania is a site dedicated to beauty, our readers want to know what beauty is meant to you.

LUIS: Beauty is relative. I don’t measure beauty by physics. The beauty that lives inside of each other is the real and permanent one. A person with a beautiful heart is a beautiful person.

BM: You’ve been busy since the Misters of Puerto Rico 2012 competition has started, how would you balance your personal training work, participating in the pageant’s main events, and still stay in such amazing condition?

LUISA disciplinary person has a daily routine. Since I was little I've been in dancing arts and had to divide time between work and studies.

BM: What kind of exercises or workouts do you do?

LUISMy day begins with a healthy breakfast, and then I go to class and after school I go to the gym or to work.

BM: Do you follow any diet? If so, what kind of diet do you follow?

LUIS: Actually my diet is to eat healthy, avoid candy and soft drinks. I drink a lot of water and do exercises.

BM: We are just curious; do you have any facial beauty secrets?

LUISI use a face mask once a week and I keep my face moist using night cream. This way I keep my face looking fresh.

BM: What part of your body are you proud of?

LUISI’m really proud of my smile, I love to have a smile on my face always, is one of my best qualities.

BM: What part of your body do you think needs improvement?

LUIS: I was very skinny when I started training for Misters of Puerto Rico. I had to work very hard on my body and I think it has improved a lot.

BM: Sleep is important for a man to stay handsome at all times. How many hours of sleep do you get per night? Any sleeping routines?

LUIS: I try to take a nap every day about an hour and I sleep all night probably 8 hours every night.

BM: How do you cope up with stress?

LUIS: When I'm stressed out I go to the gym then take a hot bath. I like to take time for relaxation.

BM: Do you take any nutritional supplements/ vitamins? If so, what are those and why?

LUIS: Every day I take vitamins and drink natural shakes with proteins.

BM: Can you describe to us your fashion sense and style?

LUIS: My style is very relative. I'm always innovating in the way I dress.  I think my trick is to be always in fashion.

BM: Finally, what message can you give to all readers of Beauty Mania, especially to those young men who want to follow your footsteps as Misters of Puerto Rico candidate?

LUISAlways be yourself, establish goals and keep moving forward. And like I always say, stay away from drugs and you will have a bright future.

Special Thanks to ViKar Visual especially to Mr. Viktor Molina and Misters of Puerto Rico Organization. 
Photos courtesy of Vikar Visual, Bob Varela, and Luis Padilla


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